Dear Fat Butt,
Although it took me over a year to do it, I lost 40 pounds, first by following a Weight Watchers type regimen and then following the American Heart Association guidelines, which happen to correspond very nicely with WW.
The biggest helps?
1. Watching my fat intake was a biggie. Fat lurks everywhere. The point system for WW helped me to see how much of my daily allotment was going to be taken up by a fatty choice versus a low fat choice.
2. I didn't put anything on the "never" list. Knowing that I could make choices made the whole process a lot easier.
3. I learned what a portion truly was. I think most Americans would be shocked to realize how many helpings they are truly eating!!! For instance, did you know that a serving of ice cream is 1/2 cup? Let me tell you, that is an awfully small serving when put into a typical bowl! Which is why I started using little dessert cups for my snacks and medium sized plates for my meals. The mind is a wonderful thing to deceive!
I have now hit that deadly plateau and my eating modification simply won't take off the last 30. So....I will have to start exercising, which for me, is a four letter word. I'll keep reading your blog and hope to get inspired!
Teri B. Clark
Professional Writer and Published Author
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