Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weekly Milage Count

This Week's Walking Miles So here it is. I walked 7.5 miles this week. That is roughly 16,800 steps. That only includes walking for exercise and not the normally moving around the house. Next Week Total miles for next week (staying with the 20% rule) is 9 miles. Also I am going to start other exercises to get into a better state of fitness. Any Problems? My left ankle has been really sore today. I have met my mileage (thanks to shopping at Walmart last night) so I am going to take it easy today. Did You Drowned? Nope. We survived Tropical Storm Hanna. Lot of rain and water, but that is it. I pretty much slept through it.


Teri B. Clark said...

Remember to listen to your body. The optimum is 20%. If your body says "no way" then no way it should be! I'm not trying to be negative. I just know how much you want to get back in shape! Be kind to yourself!!!

larsen0966 said...

Thats a good point. Especially those times when my feet get so swollen I can't get my shoes off.